Thursday, August 04, 2011


Today, I left home and have been to the UK.
I have never been abroad so it is the first time I go abroad.
Of course I have been in an airplane.
It takes about 12 hours.
And I took 4 meals there.
It was a very long trip.
Eventually, I ate 6 times in a day.

And when I arrived at the airport in the UK, I had a new experience because I had never been abroad before.
It was a latest experience in my family.
And maybe my father didn't know that I went abroad because my father and I argued about a trivial thing until I left Japan.
I don't know if he knew about it.

I'm majoring in English Communication.
But I don't know anyone and have friends.
So I would like to make a lot of experience, memories, friends and learn lots of English and about England.

By the way, I have jet lag.
The time difference between Tokyo and London is 9 hours!
I spent 12 hours in the airplane but it is still bright.
First, I would like to get accustomed to new surroundings.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


It was the last class which Rob teach today.
So we had a small party.
We ate snacks and we took pictures in the class.
Rob, thank you for teaching !!